Cụm động từ sử dụng ở nhà trong tiếng Anh


1) To pick up after someone: Dọn dẹp đống lộn xộn của ai đó.

No one is going to pick up after you when you are in college.

2) To barge in: Vào phòng hoặc một khu vực mà không gõ cửa và xin phép.

If you don't want anyone to barge in, you should lock the door.

3) To talk something out: Giải quyết vấn đề hoặc tranh cãi bằng cách nói về nó.

The best way to solve a problem at home is to talk it out.

4) To turn in: Đi ngủ

I usually turn in early on Sunday nights to get enough rest for the upcoming week.

5) To brush off: Gạt bỏ, bỏ qua.

The landlord brushed off our request for help with the heating system in our home.

6) To tidy up: Làm sạch và gọn gàng

You have to tidy up your room before you go out with your friends.

7) To blow over: Biến mất, đi mất.

We had a huge fight in the house, but things blew over after a couple of days.

8) To divvy up: Chi ra, sẻ ra.

Let's divvy up the cooking tasks so that we can prepare the dinner by 8pm.

9) Knock something off: Ngừng làm việc gì đó.

Hey, your messy habits are bothering me. Please knock it off.

10) To freak out: Cảm thấy khó chịu hoặc tức giận, trải qua một cảm xúc mạnh

Please don't freak out, but I accidently put your wool sweater in the dryer.


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